Our classes help students in their progression, from learning the simplest to the most advanced postures. IYENGAR classes are suitable and prepared for all ages and physical conditions.

So that students can enjoy and learn according to their level of practice, the classes are splited in 3 levels: Beginner, Intermediate and General Classes.


Suitable for new students or those with less than two years of experience in IYENGAR Yoga.

In these classes the emphasis is placed on the learning of standing postures, the basis of the Iyengar method; over time other postures will be introduced and gradually the students evolve in the practice.

If you have experience in another yoga method, it is recommended to integrate this level first and the teacher may eventually suggest other levels more appropriate.


For students who have been attending regular classes. This level is a mix between beginner and intermediate classes. These classes also include groups of inverted postures and pranayama (extension and breath control).


Suitable for students who are already familiar with standing postures, perform inverted postures, back bends, forward extensions, twists and balance postures. In this classes more advanced breathing techniques are applied.

Individual Classes

These classes are planned and designed according to the specific condition of each student.
They have a duration of 1h30m and are booked according to the availability of the student and the teacher.

Teen and Yoga Kids

Children who practice Yoga are happier and more confident! Yoga provides an integral development of the child at the level of the body, energy, emotions, thoughts and intuition.

Yoga classes open up self-expression, provide relaxation and fun. The child develops strength, coordination, flexibility and balance, improving concentration and self-esteem.

These classes take place on two Fridays per month (see more information in Events) and are divided according the following group of ages: 3 to 6 ages, 7 to 12 ages and 13 to 16 ages.

Self practice 

As in the Ramamani Memorial Iyengar Yoga Institute in Pune (India) we also open the center so that regular students can perform their individual practice without the teacher´s supervision and can use all the material available in the room.

What can you expect from an IYENGAR Yoga class?

  • A safe and methodical progression of Yoga postures with technique, precision and awareness in practicing them;
  • A class planned with a sequence to develop endurance, concentration, clarity, relaxation.
  • A clear demonstration and explanation of the postures, correction and individual adjustment by the teacher whenever is necessary.

Come and try a class with us!